Friday, June 01, 2007

A Pardon with 120,000 Thumbprints


MikeeUSA said...

Good Cartoons.

Let us swap links:

This is my Men's Rights website:

Anonymous said...

To all friend of the sacrava toons:
The commentary made by MileeUSA 's
Website : is wrong . Please don't try it .
To MikeeUSA next time give the real one.
To sacrava boy, No Comment for this cartoon.

Anonymous said...

A Falcon jet about to crash..there were 5 passengers and only 4 parachutes.

1st passenger grabbed a 1st parachute and screamed "I am the Pilot,I'm Professor of law I am smartest,handsome,good kissing Prince and I don't want to die yet. so the Prince took the 1st parachute and exit the plane's window.

2nd passenger took 2nd parachute and yelled" Yeah! Yeah! I am the only Prime Minister of this country and I will will be the next next Prime Minister for ever''.so he took the 2nd parachute and jumped out of the airplane.

3rd passenger picked up the 3rd parachute and said " I am the leader opposition party and I want to change the future of this country .I am still don't want to die yet either".so he took the 3rd parachute and got out of the plane.

4th passenger said to the young king "I am an old frail King. right now,I'm not afraid to die. you can take the 4th parachute and get out,you are still young and still have to take care the crown".

The young king replied to the old frail King" Papa! Papa!.. there is still 1 more parachute left. The Smartest and Scariest ass Prince just took off with my backpack"..
