What the important Personalities from the CPP and the CPP [itself] did for me
By Norodom Sihanouk
By Norodom Sihanouk
1- H.E. Samdech Hun Sen and Lok Chumtiev Bun Rany Hun Sen, then very young, entered into the maquis after hearing my Appeal launched from Beijing on March 23, 1970. The 2 young great Patriots had endured a lot of sacrifices, and along with the Patriotic Khmer People, they had heroically fought for the total Liberation of our Country, the Kampuchea. All my life long, I will never forget that.
2- H.E. Samdech and Lok Chumtiev Hun Sen accompanied me and my Wife from Beijing to Phnom Penh in 1991. It was my historical return to the Motherland.
3- H.E. Samdech Heng Samrin, with the agreement of the CPP, had ceded to me since my arrival in Phnom Penh, the function of Head of State of Cambodia.
4- Solemn rehabilitation of N. Sihanouk who was illegally and unjustly deposed by the Lon Nol-Sirik Matak-Cheng Heng-Sim Var-Trinh Hoanh clique on March 18,1970.
5- Restoration of the (constitutional) Monarchy in Cambodia.
6- H.E. Samdech Chea Sim had always provided me a total, unswerving, unconditional support, and an absolute faithfulness.
I am declaring that my gratefulness and my gratitude towards the CPP are eternal. I will always support Samdech Hun Sen as the Leader of our national government.
Signed: Norodom Sihanouk
Beijing, February 14, 2005
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